Think Before You Date Oleh Fatiey Alzahrah

Tajuk Komik : Think Before You Date
Pelukis : Fatiey Alzahrah
Genre : CintaKomedi
Status : Ongoing
Sinopsis : Risa is a common university student that not very popular even among her own class member. Her class member even don’t know her existence and her name. For Risa, she only wants to graduate to get a job. She set her mind to not care about those things. Risa does not really hate popular idols in her university but one of the idols was very annoying that even her can’t stand. The idol was Helmi, an idol that popular based on the good-looking looks. One day, Risa discover Helmi with half-naked body. To ensure Risa keep her mouth shut up, Helmi offer to be her servant until her graduate. Due to her lying, Risa use the chance and use Helmi, the boy that she hates to be her boyfriend. What will happen to them in future?

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